I agree. We consume way too much shit, but our economic system requires working, buying, and debt to continue functioning. I also think rich people have become so detached from our reality they don't believe they are doing anything wrong. We project our emotions onto them, but they don't see the world we see. I mean, WTF. Bezos penis rocket adventure to space while people stand in line for food demonstrated the extreme detachment. I can't imagine in what world that seemed like a good idea because I don't live in that world.
I am not defending the rich in any way, but rich people aren't the underlying problem. The problem is we have an economic system and a government that works for them.
With our current government's objectives, socialism would fail as badly as capitalism fails us now. We need a government working for us and a system that provides basic needs. As long as we don't call it socialism, people would agree. Capitalism has had a good run, but we need an upgrade, and more free-market BS will not work.
Seriously, do you think the US would be in such a state if people had a decent quality of life? If people felt more financially and medically secure, would there be less violence, anger, and discontent towards the government and each other?