Hi Peter,
By no means do I intend to be disrespectful, but the information you provided is grossly incorrect. The narrative fed to Americans will always heroically portray the US, and as an American living overseas, I confirm I know the US media very well.
I could go through every point to explain more thoroughly if you're interested, but I'll briefly provide some insight.
Venezuela did not destroy its economy. In fact, Chavez nationalized the country's resources in the early 2000s and lifted millions out of poverty, but the US relied heavily on Venezuelan oil. Nationalizing the resource returned wealth to the nation and improved its health care, education, and livelihoods. In 2011, the US, with the help of OPEC, flooded the market to drive the oil price down to shatter the Venezuelan oil price, and the financial crisis took a heavy toll on the global economy. Venezuela didn't have the opportunity to diversify its economy in the short period it had, and the reliance on oil for revenue coupled with US sanctions plundered the nation.
When Chavez died in 2013, Venezuelans democratically elected another socialist president. President Maduro and Venezuelans endured a US-backed coup. The working class was attacked by the rich Venezuelans who assured US interests, and when it failed, the US sanctioned the nation for not doing enough to help combat the US' War on Terror.
Every single nation you've mentioned has encountered or is still grappling with US intervention. Iran endured some of the most horrific atrocities due to US involvement.
Anti-imperialist protests are occurring across Latin America right now. They want the US out of their countries and politics, but the US funds right-wing oppositions sympathetic to its economic interests. Numerous investigations provided evidence of US involvement in the attempted coup in Bolivia, but the US doesn't acknowledge the existence of the International Criminal Courts.
Furthermore, Pfizer demanded Argentina and Brazil use their natural resources as collateral for the vaccine. The countries refused the demand, and Pfizer was slapped on the wrist for bullying, while Cuba, Russia, and China offered their vaccines to the nations at no cost.
As you are a medical doctor, I am a foreign relations expert. Sadly, Americans aren't provided accurate information about US policies, but it's true. The US is killing millions of people - way more than China, Russia, etc., have killed. I'll provide my email if you're interested in learning more.