Has anyone noticed the US pulls money out of thin air to pay for its war hobby? Bernanke, Greenspan, and previous fed chair dickheads stated in a public hearing that they add and subtract zeros to accounts to create and reduce the money supply.
Loan sharks don't threaten the US to repay its debt because the US is the loan shark. It owns and controls the currency and doesn't keep tabs on how much it owes to itself. Still, our government uses the deficit to justify austerity while funneling billions to Boeing's aircraft failures.
Congress could order the federal reserve to do the same for the public, investing in housing, food, medical, etc., but fear of destitution ensures our participation in the workforce. Fun!
No one owns enough US debt to collapse the country, but the Global South owes foreign nations (the US). It won't escape the pyramid scheme until it dumps the USD and reliance on US trade, which would result in Americans paying more for goods. Exploitation is great!
Time is money, and everything is a commodity, including us. Freedom is a fantasy, and paying rent to live in cardboard box shelters on the sidewalk is still cheaper than paying for incarceration. Seriously. People leave prison with mass debt because they must pay to stay, and repayment is difficult when a criminal record obstructs employment. Undoubtedly, AI will save them.