Hahaha. Burnett asked the burning questions on the mind of every American. Undoubtedly, everyone is more informed now, but does anyone wonder why Israel provokes a war against Iran and what this means for the US?
Israel is an unhinged state with nukes, aggressively bombing its neighbors to prove it's a big boy yet relying on its daddy, the US. Are we, Americans, willing to engage in another deadly, costly war in Central Asia? Afghanistan was fun, so let's do it again but with a bigger, organized military.
I haven't watched corporate media in years and didn't hear this version. However, I read Kuwait, Turkey, and other nations refused to allow US access to their airspace if it planned to retaliate on Israel's behalf. These public statements seemed more like a threat to Israel that the US would not defend its belligerent behavior.
As far as I know, Iran and the US agreed to avoid a direct war, and Iran approached the UN to ask it to manage the situation. Unfortunately, the UN has favorites and wouldn't condemn Israel's international crime.
Iran waited two weeks before giving up on international law, warned the US, and emptied its old, outdated arsenal stockpile, which took five hours to reach the target. Iranians are not morons. They knew the US would shoot the slowpoke drones out of the sky but could have deployed the weapons that Russia used in Ukraine (however, I'm unsure if Russia used Iranian drones or if Israeli propaganda manufactured a myth to gain Western support for war).
That said, everything we know could be BS because the ruling powers have agendas, and we're meaningless bystanders until we're cannon fodder.
How I wish we discussed methods to prevent or end wars instead of analyzing the greedy, power-hungry, egomaniacs' war plans.