Haha. Last, week, I walked down a street that used to be a hipster hangout and noticed white couples pushing prams, gyms, yoga-pilates studios, and organic health food stores. I'm unsure if hipsters grew up and wear Gap and expensive yoga brands or if a new cohort has moved into the area.
Hipsters are also the "wokesters," buying name brands from corporations publicly stating they support BLM and equality while exploiting labor in developing nations and upholding the inequality structures.
There's a new book called City Authentic discussing investors, influencers, celebrities, and the rest of the scum who "economically develop" low-income regions to benefit their pockets.
Joshua Tree in California is a great example of this horrific phenomenon. Low-interest rates enabled investors to borrow inexpensive money to create get-away destinations and market them to scenesters. The developments raised rental and mortgage prices, displacing the community, killing the culture, and damaging the vulnerable desert ecosystem, but the capitalists profited, and that's all that matters.
Capitalism is cancer but worse.