Ha. I didn't call you a cruel psychopath because I don't believe most people are evil, and there is a misunderstanding. Did you read the entire essay? I explained why nations endure austerity and minimal returns; the playing field has never been even. How do nations ensure a return on their capital when they face a lawless, military, super power?
They attract plenty of foreign investment (US outsourced manufacturing and resource extraction), but investors devalue their goods through geopolitical power imbalances and price differentials. After centuries of Western colonization and coups, the Global South relied on IMF loans to stabilize, and free trade policies created an unequal exchange.
IMF loans stipulate public spending reduction, and devalued exports and overpriced imports minimize revenue. Global South nations created economic blocs to protect and defend themselves, but the West won't give up a free lunch without a fight.
These nations contain immense valuable natural resources, yet they're impoverished because foreign investments determine prices and rules, stealing $10 trillion annually. Still, Global South countries provide more social benefits than the US; health care, free education, and paid leave.
They generate trillions yet receive pennies because they don't have the US military to defend them.