Greta is at it again! I have lost countless hours of sleep and productivity because GT drives me insane.
Doomers who need a professional title should review reality TV for inspiration, but don't watch it because it rots brain cells! Grab a notepad and pen, mute the TV, and list the creative job titles to gather ideas.
Please note, Mixologist is code for bartender and consultant means unemployed. Now, think or use a thesaurus to find meaningless yet exciting words to describe your new job as a denialist, liar, or sell-out. LOL
I sent this episode link to a friend, and you might find it interesting, too.
'Plastic Ghosts and Trash Immortals: Our Afterlife as Waste' with Nicolas de Warren.
Our quest for immortality is complete: we will live forever through our trash. Our penchant for plastic disposables, in particular, presents us with a future in which forms of life will remain haunted by human waste. What does the legacy of 'homo detritus' mean for humanity and the world?