Great essay. I agree joy shouldn't be expressed when witnessing the breaking down of a nation, but I don't think it's entirely directed at the people. The US government/wealth holds the world hostage, and too many Americans arrogantly defend the brutal regime.
Maybe Trump's election visually proved the country was a mess, but many of us saw it coming. During Bush's presidency I screamed my head off at friends, family, and random encounters, and I don't know everything, but I knew what was happening was wrong, and I got labeled "unpatriotic."
Gun violence, lack of healthcare, growing homelessness, corrupted media, and a careless government didn't happen over night. I left the US carrying all of this trauma, but I never really left because I constantly worry about my family and the country. The longer I live overseas, the more I notice the brainwashing of the nation, and I don't find joy in watching it crumble.
We are victims of an oppressive regime, and the rest of the world is starting to see we aren't dumb - we're brainwashed, but it's really difficult when we continue to be arrogant. Also, ex-pats who rely on the propagandized media for information about the US haven't learned anything.
PS American culture is capitalism, but the rest of the world isn't far behind.