Conspiracy theory is the perfect alibi for these stories. Numerous reporters die mysteriously when investigating powerful forces, and it's always a conspiracy.
Opioid and other pharmaceutical disasters destroyed lives, yet the public should trust vaccinations. Those that don't are outcasted as savages, but I can't blame them for their distrust.
The QAnon whispers are bizarre, but Q believers believe the stories because there is no solid ground elsewhere. It's difficult to separate fact from fiction when everything is muddled.
People who knew too much died from gunshot wounds to the back of the head, but they were suicides (of course). Nothing to see here!
We never found the culprit who mailed Anthrax to reporters, politicians, and others after 9/11, yet it was traced to the US lab that produced it. Weird, but forget about it! You don't want to be labeled a nutjob conspiracist for demanding answers or commit suicide by a gunshot wound to the back of the head.
Who orchestrates the CIA's missions- corporations, the president, or both? The Agency's role is to maintain capitalism, US hegemony, and corporate profits, and we forget they exist, but I wonder what they're up to. Indeed, looking out for the public!