As mentioned, I'm anti-war. Also, I don't own a TV or care to desensitize myself by looking at the dreadful excuse for news.
I don't doubt Putin's a murderous piece of shit. That's never been my claim, and if you could stop for a second and think without being overly emotional, you might understand there are more options than violence.
Please keep in mind, the first causality of war is the truth, and if you don't like (or even if you do) looking at the horrors on TV, demand our government invest in not only the military, but in peace. I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of all the death. Maybe this could have been avoided, but now, you get to watch people die on TV and I get to feel sick to my stomach knowing there's so many people suffering for no reason at all.
Also, if we're going to condemn Putin, we have to condemn our governments bomb-dropping in Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Somali (just a few days ago we dropped more!), and all the other places where people die for no good reason.
Please for the love of earth, can we demand better for everyone? This life sucks.