Apologies, that was confusing. I was referring to the idea that the US should overthrow Putin. Regime change creates instability, endangering everyone.
Libya's destabilization led to a live slave trade, terrorists organizations, endless violence, and no peace in sight. Can you imagine if Libya had nukes?
Like most wars, weren't we tricked into Vietnam? Politicians and the media stir a frenzy, but the public tends to see through the BS after a couple of years (Iraq and Afghanistan). We're emotionally impulsive, but we eventually think.
I've been meaning to ask you questions. You learned our government misled the public about the Vietnam war, and would have joined the fight if it weren't for an exceptional teacher.
How did you regain your trust in our government?
How do you know they haven't repeated the McCarthy era Cold War propaganda?
Do you believe our government values American lives, let alone Ukrainians, or could there be another motive for support for the war?
Can you undeniably prove the version you know is 100% accurate?
Is it possible corporate financial interests influence US foreign policy, and perhaps, we lost our government to big donors?
Lastly, is there any harm in understanding the non-American perspective?