American oligarchs do all those things, and who do you think owns Blackwater? Someone mysteriously fell out of a window, but that mystery was solved. There are too many events like this to list, and you can find most of them on the CIA website (the link will take you to a list of coups, but you can search for other topics).
There are generations of American oligarchs like the Prescott Bush family, and who do you think owns our broadcast networks and media? Do you think we'd hear about our elites' crimes on the nightly news? We only know about the Sackler family because an independent investigative journalist reported it.
We're relentlessly shown horrific images of Ukraine, but if the US showed us footage of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, we'd riot. From 1990 - 2022, the US military intervened in 251 countries and killed more people than Russia and China combined.
The US cares as much about Ukraine as Russia, and there aren't any good guys, but you know that. You're an analyst living in Eastern Europe and aware of the US withdrawal from nuclear treaties and interventions in the region. You would know the OSCE reported on the civil war in Eastern Ukraine that sparked after the 2014 overthrow of the government.
We might get somewhere when we finally stop blindly believing in our government's "defender of democracy" BS. We don't benefit from the countless wars for power and wealth, and defending one murderous regime over another is still defending murder.