Alan, nothing is the way it seems. The US is also a larger aggressor, and there's a lot more to the story. The only people who believe the US is wearing the "heroic" mask are Americans, and globally, there are anti-US imperialism protests. The US' nickname is the "world's biggest terrorist" because it has attacked countless smaller nations. Developing nations no longer want to partner with the US, and as they turn to Russia and China, the US is losing control.
US involvement in Ukraine has been relentless, and NATO's intention isn't to protect the innocent. If it were, it wouldn't have bombed the shit out of the Balkans in the 90s, and it would uphold its promises. NATO and the US broke numerous agreements, and Russia has stated since the 90s it didn't feel comfortable with missiles along its borders. We need to work with other nations - not force them to obey.
I've witnessed the US' violence overseas, and the nation is responsible for more dead bodies than any other. That is the truth. Also, what would the US do if Russia or China made agreements with Mexico and Canada to develop military bases along the US border? I don't believe Americans are superior, so I don't agree with treating other lives as less valuable. We need to work towards peace, and stop this bullying shit because it only creates more bullies.